All Up in It with Mike Angelillo

Mike Angelillo is many things – a dad, husband, and community gatherer; a bicyclist (of the knobby-tire versions), ancient lit enthusiast, and kaiju aficionado; a caring professional and one hell of a friend. Mike, no doubt, has been so successful in his career in...

The Mouse Morality Conundrum

Here’s the conundrum when you discover a mouse has been creeping around your home: There are no options that aren’t a death sentence for the mouse. Option 1: Use kill-em-dead traps Option 2: Use keep-em-alive traps and then move them far enough away that they can’t...

Imperfect Activism

I haven’t eaten at Chic-fil-a or Cracker Barrel for years now. I’ve never shopped at Hobby Lobby. Where once Amazon was a go-to for me, it’s not a shopping spot of last resort. Theresa and I may place orders there maybe twice a year these days. Which is to say: Even...

31 Thoughts about Letting Go

I did something over the weekend that feels pretty radical to me. I pulled 31 books off my shelves. It started with three business-related books, one that I had read, two that I had been carrying with me from home to home, imagining I would someday read them. I plumb...

Relearning to Rest: The Honeymoon Edition

In the Pomodoro Method, productivity is spurred by a timer. (The original was apparently a tomato-shaped egg timer, hence the name.) You set the timer for 25 minutes, work work work, then reset the timer for five minutes and rest rest rest. Take a bio-break, get some...

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