It is as common as breath.
It transcends time, culture, and even species.
It is as relevant when we have to lay aside a dream or piece of identity as when we have to say goodbye to a loved one, human or otherwise.
It is, as Valarie Kaur wrote, “the price of love.”
Yet, for its commonness, its humanness, its pervasiveness, we have virtually no space for grief in our world.
And so we are creating that space, 15 minutes at a time.
Each Grief Nook will have its own flavor and theme, crafted by each host.
What you can expect is a silent space to share with others, to be with the grief that is both utterly unique to you and also completely universal.
You can join me on Tuesdays at 5:15pm Eastern, where we’ll:
Take some time as we enter the space to pause, going from getting there to being there.
Listen to a poem (of sorts) about our interconnection, about our grief.
As we close, you’ll be invited to put what you’re grieving in the chat – whether a name, a relationship, or a circumstance.
We’ll all silently read these contributions, holding space for and with one another
After 5 chimes, the Nook will close.
Go to any and all Grief Nooks to find the time and space that feels most nurturing to you. Find all the Grief Nooks here:
If you’d like to host your own nook, we invite you to! Decide how you want your 15 minutes to go, send me a note, and I’ll get you connected to our calendar.
Your grief is valid.
Your grief deserves space.
We’re holding that space for you in The Grief Nooks.
*Note: A Grief Nook is neither therapy nor counseling. It should not be used in the case of an emergency. If you feel you need emergent care, please call your local crisis or emergency number. In the United States, please call, text, or chat 988 The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, or call 911.
Should we talk?
Talk is cheap, and this time it’s free! We know a lot of people offer free consultations that are just long, painful sales presentations. That’s not what this is. Let’s just talk and test the fit, no strings attached.
Here’s the latest from the blog.
Holding Space: A Conversation about How to Be There for People Going Through Hard Stuff
If you’d like to feel more skillful in being with people who are going through hard stuff, we made this gathering for you.
Yoga off the mat
We tend to think of yoga as the classes where very thin white people gather in swanky neighborhoods. There is so much more to it, especially when we take it off the mat.
introducing Death + Stuff
It’s a new project with a bonus twist of helping getting more coaching to more people.
Rediscovering ritual
Ritual was something I found hollow during my early life. Now, I see how it helps us mark life’s richness with intention.