Yoga off the mat

I did an hour of yin yoga over the weekend. If you’re not familiar, yin yoga is a slower yoga, one in which you put your body into what are considered restorative poses. Then, you just stay there… Because it’s not the power yoga that we tend to associate with the...

introducing Death + Stuff

I’ve had a tingling of an idea for some years now… A turning of my coaching practice toward a more overt recognizing of the reality of our mortality and how that reality can clarify what we each mean, as individuals, by our Life Well Lived, our unique version of...

Rediscovering ritual

This week will find many a Jewish person celebrating Pesach, or Passover, if you please. It’s the annual recitation of the story of Exodus, the fleeing of enslavement in Egypt, a story that was also inspiration for the enslaved Africans in the States as they looked...

Every relationship ends

Every relationship ends. I’ve had them end with bangs and with whimpers, with earth-scorching words and with tender mutual agreement. Last Thursday morning, just before 6am, I had my longest-running friendship end when whatever it was that animated her slipped out of...

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