by SB Rawz | Feb 9, 2020 | Satisfying Days
At the beginning of 2019, Theresa and I created a list of questions to ask each other at the end of the evening, questions to help us capture and review our day and to aid our individual growth. At the top of the list was: What do you most want to remember about... by SB Rawz | Dec 9, 2019 | Satisfying Days
I cancelled dinner with friends on Saturday. I spent the morning feeling gross in a way that I’m pretty sure had to do with a combo of sinus pressure and nasal drip and then finally decided to send the text early afternoon with my apologies. I asked Theresa to join me... by SB Rawz | Dec 2, 2019 | Bigger Badder Life
Next Sunday will mark the 3rd anniversary of the death of a man I always called Daddy Harold. I was in my 20s when I realized not everyone called him that. In fact, the only people who called him that other than me were my mom and his wife, and only when they were... by SB Rawz | Nov 25, 2019 | Bigger Badder Life
I knew a woman who did all the gratitude practices – the journals and songs and dinnertime rituals with the kids and more – who seemed basically miserable to me. I spent a good bit of time mulling over that paradox: How can a person so intentional in her... by SB Rawz | Aug 19, 2019 | Our Web of Interconnection
Three quick stories about money: A British coach living in France recently agreed to give me a one-off coaching session; I had read her book, Quantum Skills for Coaching, and reached out to her via LinkedIn. When I asked how much to pay her and how to get the money to...