by SB Rawz | Dec 5, 2023 | Interviews of SB
Fun fact: Hoda and I recorded this immediately before we recorded our All Up in It conversation. It was a funny little experiment in switching gears, switching roles, and seeing where our different conversations might lead. In this one, we talk about a topic that had... by SB Rawz | Dec 4, 2023 | All Up in It
I took my first lessons in Spanish in middle school with a fabulous teacher named Manny Suarez who told stories about his pet pirhana. High school and college classes later, I’m still struggling along with Duolingo, debating if it’s time to just hire a... by SB Rawz | Nov 20, 2023 | Bigger Badder Life
In our hallway are two small, square, signs spray-painted on wood, made by a once-was-local artist, Mud. One reads, “Trust the process.” A few weeks ago, I sent a picture of it to a dear friend with my hand in a one-finger salute in the foreground. I had just returned... by SB Rawz | Nov 16, 2023 | Our Web of Interconnection
Second only to going through terrible times is feeling unskillful in being with people going through terrible times. If you’d like to feel more skillful, we made this gathering for you. find upcoming conversations here I don’t know about you, but I’ve sometimes... by SB Rawz | Nov 6, 2023 | All Up in It
Some people spend their milestone birthdays agonizing about their age. Some people spend them waiting for them to pass. Some people spend them waiting for others to intuit their dream birthday and make it happen. Karen Chase is none of these people. Instead, for her...