by SB Rawz | Jul 13, 2020 | Our Web of Interconnection
In a notebook of ideas that stays open on my desk, I wrote sometime in the last few weeks, “What if the movement changed its language from “resistance” to “expansiveness” or “embracing?” Who knows what I was thinking when I wrote it down but I spend a good bit of time... by SB Rawz | Jul 6, 2020 | Our Web of Interconnection
From the start of the pandemic (or really, our attention to it here in the States), I’ve been fascinated by how it’s worked as a sort of highlighter or illuminator. Yes, it’s novel, sure, no doubt. The last few months have, in many ways, been unlike any other in my... by SB Rawz | Jun 1, 2020 | Our Web of Interconnection
Dear Fellow White Americans: On Saturday, I read an article in the Roanoke Times about a man, Walker Sigler, who was shot in his home by police in 2018. It seems there was an open door that led to suspicion of an active crime and five officers attempted to... by SB Rawz | May 18, 2020 | The Deep Dive
Last week, I wrote about listening past others’ challenging words as though it’s easy, a switch to flip. “Ah, yes, now I hear the humanness beneath the reactivity. Jolly good!” Ah, but no. Not in real life. In real life, we have someone else whose reactive shouts for... by SB Rawz | May 11, 2020 | Our Web of Interconnection
For some time now, it’s felt to many of us as though public dialogue has devolved into different sides shielding themselves behind stone walls while lobbing opinions at one another. Given that human history is a centuries-long, unbroken chain of cause and effect, any...