Seven Years and I’m More a Fool than Ever

  …only the fool thinks he is wise; the wise man knows himself to be a fool. Perhaps to be educated is to be a fool. The wise man knows that for the small pile of books and experiences that lay behind him, there are infinitely more to go.                    ...

My pre-travel melt-downs: A new tack

A few Fridays ago, I wandered around Earth Fare, waiting until Theresa could take a short break for a short visit before I left for a short trip to see my mom. I’d be gone fewer than 30 hours. And yet I was wound up, antsy, anxious to get on the road, impatient as all...

I Gave Myself Permission to Bomb

I have a somewhat unusual comfort with public speaking. I once walked into a conference with almost no understanding of what the organizers wanted me to do and hopped on the stage in front of a couple of hundred people with hardly a skipped heartbeat or extra drop of...

Our Best is Inevitably Imperfect. Dammit.

I can’t tell you exactly what alchemy happened when I was on the TEDx stage in Floyd, Virginia in 2013. I stepped on nervous and excited. I had a moment of utter blankness while the hundred people in the audience held their breath and the however-many people watching...

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