Relearning to Rest: The Honeymoon Edition

In the Pomodoro Method, productivity is spurred by a timer. (The original was apparently a tomato-shaped egg timer, hence the name.) You set the timer for 25 minutes, work work work, then reset the timer for five minutes and rest rest rest. Take a bio-break, get some...

Retroactively Obvious

I never thought to trim the lower branches of a magnolia tree to create a canopy covering a bare trunk until I saw one on a brief road trip recently. Once I saw one, I saw them everywhere, including on a later drive back to my hometown, a drive I’ve made hundreds of...

Spiraling Around a Lifelong Learning

  Folks who work with me tend to learn pretty quickly that my braggadocio-filled description of my own artistic talents is the run-up to me sharing some stick figure or line drawing. I actually keep a small collection of them jotted on scrap paper on my desk for...

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