My Formula for Joy

  I share Shinzen Young’s equation for suffering – Pain x Resistance = Suffering – several times each week. That’s how powerful I find it: its presupposition of pain; its invitation to accept the fullness of our experiences; its simple reminder that suffering is...

Hubba-hubba, Gratitude – Lookin’ Good!

I knew a woman who did all the gratitude practices – the journals and songs and dinnertime rituals with the kids and more – who seemed basically miserable to me. I spent a good bit of time mulling over that paradox: How can a person so intentional in her...

Sore Muscles, Warm Hearts

My go-to social media outlet these days is Instagram. Saturday evening, I was stretched out on the bed of the Days Inn room where Theresa and I spent our weekend, scrolling through my feed. “Anything good?” she asked me. My feed, though filled with artists...

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