It’s Us FOR Them, not Us OR Them

During a workshop on stress reduction that I facilitated last week, a woman noted that her challenge with boundaries – for example, the inner debate she experiences about answering the phone when a client calls at 8pm – was that it felt like a choice between herself...

The Innerlings’ sneaky contribution to self-love

One of the analogies that I like to use when helping people work with their Innerling voices draws a line between those fearful inner voices (and Innerlings are often working from fear, albeit often expressing that fear in creative ways) and a little kid who has...

Finding Relief in Responsibility

I’m working on a theory and I’d like to hear your thoughts. My theory: The stickiest, ickiest memories linger because we haven’t resolved our own responsibility (or perceived responsibility) in the situation. Let me illustrate with one sticky, icky memory with which...

I’m Self-Involved

I’m actually a little sheepish to share this one which, I guess, is a sure sign that I’d best go forth. Last week, Theresa and I attended a community event that involved a dinner. We stood in line with a person I had seen here and there but never spoken with so...

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