No Delete Buttons for History

You’re throwing away the last XX years!- nearly every unwilling partner at a relationship’s end When I looked up when Henry Ford lived, I quickly stumbled onto The Henry Ford museum and was amused to find that it includes a page entitled “Stories of Social Justice and...

Expecting discomfort and making room for joy

Last year, I made a note to myself on today’s calendar date. It says, “Expect discomfort, make room for joy.” Today is my birthday. Before you go assuming that the expected discomfort is about the number of times I’ve spun around the sun – today marks 43 years since I...

The Snow Globe Twins: A Story of Oversimplification

  Picture two sisters, twins, twinkly-eyed visual copies of one another. As children, they experienced hardship of a variety that was far worse than experienced by many and far easier than many others. No matter the comparisons, though; their hardship was their...

3 Invitations for the New Year

  A few invitations as this year – this historic, this world-changing, this illuminating, this very challenging year – comes to its close: I invite you to avoid the tropes that shovel all of 2020 into the dumpster fire to be incinerated. Life is too complex,...

Gritty, Determined, Stubborn Optimism

  On Saturday night, Theresa and I hunkered down for the two hours and 40 minutes of theatrical goodness that is Hamilton. Like many people, I’ve had my kick of listening to the soundtrack on a loop and yet though every bit of dialogue in the production is...

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