No Delete Buttons for History

You’re throwing away the last XX years!- nearly every unwilling partner at a relationship’s end When I looked up when Henry Ford lived, I quickly stumbled onto The Henry Ford museum and was amused to find that it includes a page entitled “Stories of Social Justice and...

Rearranged Socks, Rearranged Thoughts

  I was 19 when I bought a proper piece of furniture for myself for the first time. The man at the junk shop – which is to say, the kind of antique store that can be found along poorly traveled roads, selling this and that out of old ramshackle buildings that...

When Old and New Trauma are Shaken AND Stirred

  Since making my first entry in September of 2016, my five-year journal has paid dividends, both each evening as it cues me to ask myself, “What do I most want to remember about today? An event? A feeling? A question? A thought?” and as I look back through the...

Seven Years and I’m More a Fool than Ever

  …only the fool thinks he is wise; the wise man knows himself to be a fool. Perhaps to be educated is to be a fool. The wise man knows that for the small pile of books and experiences that lay behind him, there are infinitely more to go.                    ...

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