Practicing Being Pervious: A Route to a Bigger Heart

It is the rare occasion, indeed, when I run across an opportunity to listen to Ross Gay that I don’t take it and quickly. So I was finishing up lunch the other day and saw a 15-minute interview with him on NPR in which he describes being moved, as in emotionally. He...

Flowing with Emotions: A Practical Guide

Thirty-six hours after I proposed to Theresa in 2019, I noticed my inner critics, my Innerlings, get loud and ornery. They told me things like that I should be embarrassed to announce my engagement given my previous divorce; they asked me how I had the gall to imagine...

Liferafts and Sturdy Piers

Many years ago – another lifetime it sometimes seems – a friendship of more than a decade ended. Truthfully, it had been fading for some time by then. Still, it wasn’t me who pulled the plug when my friend took up with a married man. It was she who, underwhelmed with...

My dog tried to break me last Tuesday

Right now, at this very moment, which is 6:54 am on Tuesday, April 27, 2021, our dog is laying in the hallway in front of my office, her bushy tail spilling through the doorway. She has been doing some combination of barking, whining and huffing for going on an hour...

The Physics of Rage

Divine rage is fierce, disciplined, and visionary…The aim of divine rage is not vengeance but to reorder the world.– Valarie Kaur in See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto on Revolutionary Love This feels like a particularly scary time in history to be exploring...

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