Gift Budgets and the Pain of Uncertainty

Last week, I messaged Theresa from the aisles of a store: “How much trouble will I be in if I go a little over our gift budget?” On this, our third holiday season together, Theresa and I set a $50 gift budget based on the idea that we both have what we need and much...

I’m Self-Involved

I’m actually a little sheepish to share this one which, I guess, is a sure sign that I’d best go forth. Last week, Theresa and I attended a community event that involved a dinner. We stood in line with a person I had seen here and there but never spoken with so...

3 Questions to Transform Problems into Opportunities

I learned the coolest thing last week… and then with a three-minute fact check learned it wasn’t true. The thing? The Mandarin symbol for “crisis” is not a combination of the words “danger” and “opportunity.” That was built on wishful thinking of the...

I Get Fat in Greensboro

This past weekend, Theresa and I visited my family and I noticed something that I’ve only cued into consciously in the last few years: I get fat when I visit my family. I don’t mean I put on a lot of weight due to my mom’s yummy cooking and the splurges I allow myself...

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