by SB Rawz | Nov 23, 2020 | Bigger Badder Life
I often meet clients who are struggling with a part of themselves only to discover that, tuned to a different level, the very thing that most vexed them is also among their greatest strengths. A hyper-focus on what disasters might come modified into an... by SB Rawz | Jun 1, 2020 | Our Web of Interconnection
Dear Fellow White Americans: On Saturday, I read an article in the Roanoke Times about a man, Walker Sigler, who was shot in his home by police in 2018. It seems there was an open door that led to suspicion of an active crime and five officers attempted to... by SB Rawz | Dec 2, 2019 | Bigger Badder Life
Next Sunday will mark the 3rd anniversary of the death of a man I always called Daddy Harold. I was in my 20s when I realized not everyone called him that. In fact, the only people who called him that other than me were my mom and his wife, and only when they were... by SB Rawz | Sep 30, 2018 | Bigger Badder Life
Earlier this year, I wrote a little about the Tibetan meditation on death. It’s a way of focusing on the inevitable end of these lives such that we bring a greater appreciation and presence to the now. When I do this meditation, I tend to notice the beauty of my...