Curiosity 201

Divorce is a great university but the cost of tuition is too high.              – Harvey Yaffe One of the most important things that I learned in the university of my divorce was that curiosity is a mighty nice idea but only impactful when made into a verb. And:...

Gift Budgets and the Pain of Uncertainty

Last week, I messaged Theresa from the aisles of a store: “How much trouble will I be in if I go a little over our gift budget?” On this, our third holiday season together, Theresa and I set a $50 gift budget based on the idea that we both have what we need and much...

The Stoned Writer: When Fear Inhibits Creation

I have a friend with a book idea he’s been noodling on for the last few years. It’s a memoir of sorts, focused on his journey from being raised in the church in the way many people are – with a sense of belonging without a whole lot of intentionality – and how he came...

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