by SB Rawz | Sep 7, 2020 | The Deep Dive
In her memoir Why Religion? Elaine Pagels described noticing that she’s attracted to a female friend. A little background on her: Raised by atheist parents, she chose Christianity as both a faith tradition and focus of scholarship in her early adulthood,... by SB Rawz | Jul 20, 2020 | Bigger Badder Life
I read a theory the other day that one answer to the Fermi Paradox – If the math suggests so convincingly that there are other sentient being out there in the universe, where are they? – might be that other civilizations are so advanced that they’ve uploaded their... by SB Rawz | May 11, 2020 | Our Web of Interconnection
For some time now, it’s felt to many of us as though public dialogue has devolved into different sides shielding themselves behind stone walls while lobbing opinions at one another. Given that human history is a centuries-long, unbroken chain of cause and effect, any... by SB Rawz | Mar 2, 2020 | Bigger Badder Life
Last week reminded me rather starkly that wisdom and information are often very different things, and that one invites greater openness while the other could use some well-placed blinders strapped on. See, first there was the movie iteration of The Call of the... by SB Rawz | Feb 24, 2020 | The Deep Dive
My mother – Dr. Cheryl Greenberg, The Age Coach – was the picture of Parisian style when she spoke to my coaches group the Friday before last: Her sharply-styled silver hair, black tunic over black leggings under a black, white and gray draping...