The water baked into us

There’s just something special about New York bagels. I’m not talking about New York-style bagels. You can’t just get to a certain texture, chew, and size, call them New York, and go on about your business. I’m talking about bagels made in New York City, the kind you...

Imperfect Activism

I haven’t eaten at Chic-fil-a or Cracker Barrel for years now. I’ve never shopped at Hobby Lobby. Where once Amazon was a go-to for me, it’s not a shopping spot of last resort. Theresa and I may place orders there maybe twice a year these days. Which is to say: Even...

Dear Ms Rowling,

I wrote this a while back, a letter written for the purpose of processing my own feelings about JK Rowling’s tweet in December 2019 in which she used her mighty platform – her previously LGBQ-affirming platform – to express transphobic beliefs. I...

A by-the-book return to joy

My friend, the author John Ketwig, and I were having an email exchange about books recently. Though we’ve now known each other for many years, describing to each other the contents of our various bookshelves and random stacks of books (the to-be-read piles holding the...

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