The Mouse Morality Conundrum

Here’s the conundrum when you discover a mouse has been creeping around your home: There are no options that aren’t a death sentence for the mouse. Option 1: Use kill-em-dead traps Option 2: Use keep-em-alive traps and then move them far enough away that they can’t...

Skipping the Scale & Other Acts of Body Love

A couple of weeks ago, I did something that felt pretty radical. As a nurse beckoned me from the waiting room to a scale on the way to the exam room in my doctor’s office, I asked, “Why?” Why step on the scale? What info to be had from the fact that my weigh goes up a...

Bucking body positivity

The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. – Carl Rogers While there was most certainly a time in my life before I felt body-consciousness – abundant stories and even a few photos testify to my joyful aversion to clothes...

Radical Acceptance and Leg-Chewing Varmints

My ankles are covered in bug bites. It’s such a little thing. Literally: They’re tiny little crested mounds of bug-inflicted ick. In the scheme of things: These, though I don’t know what caused them, will lose their potency in days and fade back into plains of...

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