The Bus Stop Bully’s Guide to Responding

Driving to a networking meeting early one morning in January, I saw two kids standing at the side of the road, waiting for the school bus. The little girl was swinging her book bag in an arc as wide as her arm would allow while the boy stood stark still, a look of...

Getting Started with Gremlin Voices

Back in June, I shared about a success I had in gremlin voice management – that is, in discerning the voices of irrational fear that express themselves, generally, through messages laced with meanness or even downright cruelty. By managing the voices, I was able...

You’ve got voices in your head.

You’ve got voices in your head. I’m pretty sure, at least. Of the hundreds of people I’ve talked to and worked with over the last five years of coaching, I have yet to meet the person who doesn’t. The one we notice most easily is that nasty...

Obey Your Exhaustion

I had a cold or something last week. As my mom pointed out, you know I’m not feeling well when I take a two-hour nap on a Thursday morning. Yeah, not normally a thing. As sicks go, it was a pretty great one. While my sweetie had full-blown flu nastiness, I had a...

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