by SB Rawz | Apr 23, 2024 | Bigger Badder Life
This week will find many a Jewish person celebrating Pesach, or Passover, if you please. It’s the annual recitation of the story of Exodus, the fleeing of enslavement in Egypt, a story that was also inspiration for the enslaved Africans in the States as they looked... by SB Rawz | Mar 18, 2024 | Bigger Badder Life
In our front window is a wooden case with two shelves and two grow lights: Theresa’s spring rig. One tray is covered in the adorable shoots of baby plants, some peppers, mostly tomatoes, more than we’ll know what to do with and fewer than we’ll want. Our forsythia are... by SB Rawz | Mar 4, 2024 | Bigger Badder Life
You don’t have to skim too many lists of conversation-stirring questions before you run into one that goes something like, “If you could know the exact date of your death, would you choose to know?” In my experience, a limited few will answer yes and their explanation... by SB Rawz | Jan 22, 2024 | Bigger Badder Life
On Saturday, I got to speak to the good people of the Roanoke Regional Writers Conference for what might have been the 11th or 12th time. To those of you who joined me to explore writers block, I say: Welcome to The Bigger Badder Crew – we’ve been holding space for... by SB Rawz | Nov 20, 2023 | Bigger Badder Life
In our hallway are two small, square, signs spray-painted on wood, made by a once-was-local artist, Mud. One reads, “Trust the process.” A few weeks ago, I sent a picture of it to a dear friend with my hand in a one-finger salute in the foreground. I had just returned... by SB Rawz | Sep 25, 2023 | Bigger Badder Life
There’s a graphic I sometimes show clients where I write Belief or Thought or Feeling on one side of a piece of paper and, on the other side, I write Behavior. Then we draw a line from what they’re imagining has to come first to what outcome they want. For example,...