The Blog
Here’s where I share thoughts on the work of moving toward our biggest lives and baddest selves.
31 Thoughts about Letting Go
What 31 books reminded me about the value of setting boundaries and letting go.
Socks: Where Binaries Need Not Tread
I noticed a sock trend this season, and it wasn’t a new pattern: It was me recognizing a very old one.
We’ll need this table by 7
The relief that comes from clear and direct communication.
The Season of Both/And
Whatever your traditions, may they live in the courageous thick of the both/and.
Bucking body positivity
Sure, I’d love to think my body was perfect and beautiful – and sometimes I do, but only because I have learned to first accept it exactly as it is.
Dear Ms Rowling,
As I process my anger and fear stemming from Dave Chappelle’s recent transphobic commentary, I returned to a letter I wrote to JK Rowling when I was processing her hate speech along the same lines.
Relearning to Rest: The Honeymoon Edition
Our honeymoon gave me an intensive and delightful reminder about the critical nature of intentional and deep rest.
Our perfectly imperfect wedding
Hidden in all the horrors of the pandemic has been some silver linings, including the way pandemic-related tweaks to our wedding scooched me off the ledge of perfectionism.
Radical Acceptance and Leg-Chewing Varmints
When some sneaky bugs left my ankles dotted with painfully itchy bites, I found not only time for sitting still while my legs were plastered in a baking soda paste but also another opportunity to deepen my practice of acceptance.
Remembering flashbulbs and fictions
Our memories are also prone to our fully human imperfection.