by SB Rawz | Oct 5, 2020 | The Deep Dive
I was 19 when I bought a proper piece of furniture for myself for the first time. The man at the junk shop – which is to say, the kind of antique store that can be found along poorly traveled roads, selling this and that out of old ramshackle buildings that... by SB Rawz | Sep 28, 2020 | The Deep Dive
A week or two ago, during a newspaper-inspired conversation about the coming election, Theresa asked, “What are we going to do it if it doesn’t go the way we want?” Admittedly, I gave her a pat rah-rah of an answer, a somebody’s-got-to-keep-doing-the-work kind... by SB Rawz | Sep 21, 2020 | Bigger Badder Life
It was 2004 or so when I first heard of the Slow Foods Movement. Started in Italy, Slow Foods was a reaction to, you guessed it, fast food. The movement embraces the way our culture lives in food long after the traditional dress, customs, and even language... by SB Rawz | Sep 14, 2020 | Our Web of Interconnection
It astonishes me sometimes – no, often – how ever person I get to know – everyone, regardless of everything, by which I mean everything – lives with some profound personal sorrow. Brother addicted. Mother murdered. Dad died in surgery. Rejected by their family. Cancer... by SB Rawz | Sep 7, 2020 | The Deep Dive
In her memoir Why Religion? Elaine Pagels described noticing that she’s attracted to a female friend. A little background on her: Raised by atheist parents, she chose Christianity as both a faith tradition and focus of scholarship in her early adulthood,...