by SB Rawz | May 10, 2021 | The Deep Dive
Whatever it is that animates us – and after millennia of religion, philosophy, and science, I have no desire to so much as take a swing at the how of human essence – the bit that allows us to extrovert that animation – that which is being animated – is, as many have... by SB Rawz | May 3, 2021 | The Deep Dive
Right now, at this very moment, which is 6:54 am on Tuesday, April 27, 2021, our dog is laying in the hallway in front of my office, her bushy tail spilling through the doorway. She has been doing some combination of barking, whining and huffing for going on an hour... by SB Rawz | Apr 26, 2021 | Our Web of Interconnection
A conversation in the newly-formed LinkedIn group, The Bigger Badder Conversation, had me thinking over the weekend about my staunchly held and often mulled belief that the truly beneficial acts are inevitably beneficial far beyond the enactor, and vice versa – that... by SB Rawz | Apr 19, 2021 | Our Web of Interconnection
The weather was beautiful this past weekend which made it a ripe time for visits with family and friends. Saturday, we ate on the patio of a restaurant owned by friends, a married couple who also runs a farm together. I ran several businesses with my former spouse so... by SB Rawz | Apr 12, 2021 | Bigger Badder Life
Here’s the scene: It’s Saturday morning. Theresa and I are standing between rows of records in a house that has been converted into a hi-fi and electric guitar shop by a man who has just given us what felt like the full semester of Music Equipment 101. He’s now...