There’s a zine I’ve been thinking about making for some time now, modeled on a purple and gold composition book I started for myself some years ago. In my notebook are things like the people who hold me down when I feel like I might be drifting away; activities that energize and/or comfort me; letters and reminders to myself.

All are aimed at reminding me of the things that are so easy to forget when I most need them, the tools, strategies and resources that ease the way when I hit a rocky part of normal.

In fact, that’s the name of my flashy composition book: A Rocky Part of Normal.

And so that’s the name of my new zine, too:

It’s a workbook with prompts based on my notebook. My hope is that you’ll not only download it and fill it out but that you’ll refer back to it whenever your going gets rocky.

(If you have a double-sided printer, have it flip on the short end and you’ll wind up with 3 front-and-back pages to fold in half into a booklet.)

And perhaps you’ll share it with a friend, too. After all, rocky is a part of everyone’s normal.

If you’d like to have a pre-printed stack to hand out to your community or leave in community spaces like coffeeshops, libraries, rec centers, etc., let me know and I’ll mail you a pile.

Self-care does its best work when we’re orienting toward our values along the way. Could be that resourcing strangers with a self-care zine might just energize you, too.

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