Flowing with Emotions: A Practical Guide

Thirty-six hours after I proposed to Theresa in 2019, I noticed my inner critics, my Innerlings, get loud and ornery. They told me things like that I should be embarrassed to announce my engagement given my previous divorce; they asked me how I had the gall to imagine...

The (Freaked Out) Farmer and the Horse

There’s an old Zen story that gets a lot of traction in the world of personal development. You’ve probably heard it before. It goes a little something like this: See, there’s this farmer in this village. He’s got this horse who is integral to his ability to run his...

Liferafts and Sturdy Piers

Many years ago – another lifetime it sometimes seems – a friendship of more than a decade ended. Truthfully, it had been fading for some time by then. Still, it wasn’t me who pulled the plug when my friend took up with a married man. It was she who, underwhelmed with...

Your Psyche is Made of Velcro

  In her memoir Why Religion? Elaine Pagels described noticing that she’s attracted to a female friend. A little background on her: Raised by atheist parents, she chose Christianity as both a faith tradition and focus of scholarship in her early adulthood,...

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