The Season of Both/And

Earlier this month, my nephew turned 22. I sent him a voice recording of me starting to sing Yellow Submarine, catching myself, then singing the five-second micro-Happy Birthday Song. A few hours later, he sent me a text saying he had been at work when he got my...

Relearning to Rest: The Honeymoon Edition

In the Pomodoro Method, productivity is spurred by a timer. (The original was apparently a tomato-shaped egg timer, hence the name.) You set the timer for 25 minutes, work work work, then reset the timer for five minutes and rest rest rest. Take a bio-break, get some...

Radical Acceptance and Leg-Chewing Varmints

My ankles are covered in bug bites. It’s such a little thing. Literally: They’re tiny little crested mounds of bug-inflicted ick. In the scheme of things: These, though I don’t know what caused them, will lose their potency in days and fade back into plains of...

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