The Blog

Here’s where I share thoughts on the work of moving toward our biggest lives and baddest selves.

21 Years of Healing

August 22, 1996 is kind of a big deal for me - that date marks the near-fatal culmination of an unhealthy teen relationship. I've written about it a bunch, in personal essays, fiction, poetry. I shared it with however-many of the 300,000 readers of the Greensboro...

The Terrible, Horrible, Terribly-Useful Thing

In my 30-second ad last week, I told the rad community builders at Network NRV that people often misunderstand who it is I work with - some think coaching is for people who are unholy messes, incapable in some way. The exact opposite is true: I'm lucky enough to work...

A Reflection on Another Revolution Around the Sun

When I was an uncomfortable, awkward teenager, I used to wish that I could sort of konk out until all the big unknowns of my life were known: what I would be doing, with whom I would be spending my time, who I would be... At the time, I imagined it would all be shored...

The Subtle Wobble of Expectation

Last week, a friend shared her favorite quote with me: Expectation is the mother of all heartache. I thought: Yeah! Right on! Down with expectations! Live in the moment, right? Make decisions based on what we know now while releasing the belief that we can control the...

Celebrating My Third Year of Meditation

Meditation. It's similar to "networking" and "chicken-foot broth" in that it's sometimes tough to get past our initial reactions to the words and get to the core of the concept. It's also similar to being likeable in that the harder we try to be likeable, the harder...

Emotions are like Quicksand: The Play-Along Post

I have to confess, my understanding of Newtonian versus non-Newtonian liquids is as elementary as it gets. On a scientific level, it has to do with viscosity. Newtonian fluids move and react like water. You push your hand quickly through water in the pool and you can...

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