The Blog

Here’s where I share thoughts on the work of moving toward our biggest lives and baddest selves.

All Up in It with Anela Seliskar Barboza on finding inner integration in her cultural home

Anela grew up on the American continent – on Turtle Island – a displacement from her Hawaiian/Asian-Pacific Islander heritage that led her more deeply into her exploration of roots and place – an exploration that has been intellectual, spiritual, experiential, and all sorts of emotional. Now home in Hawaii, she’s navigating who she is – in herself and in community – and what safety means in this place that speaks to the depths of her being.

A Play-Along Adventure in Writing

A little ridiculousness because writer’s block (or any other creative block) isn’t a lack of ability to write, it’s a lack of ability to tolerate that we fail to enliven our creative vision – sometimes lots – before we succeed.

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