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My Formula for Joy


I share Shinzen Young’s equation for suffering – Pain x Resistance = Suffering – several times each week. That’s how powerful I find it: its presupposition of pain; its invitation to accept the fullness of our experiences; its simple reminder that suffering is optional.

A couple of weeks ago, when I shared it with former Carolina Panther turned fellow life coach and speaker Nate Salley (Do many of us know as much about seeking out and leaning into discomfort as serious and pro athletes?) he asked, “So what’s the formula for joy?”

I opted not to inquire into Young’s calculus for that one (until now, that is, when, delightfully enough, this is what I found on his site) – I just started pondering. And here’s what I’ve come up with so far:

Living Into Values + AcceptanceComplexity = Joy

Breaking it down from right to left, what I’m thinking is:

So, that’s where I’ve gotten – live in accordance to what’s most important to us and accept as fully as possible the complexity of ourselves and our lives and –boom!- joy.

Then again, joy feels impossibly mysterious to me. When I first felt it (less than a decade ago!) it was so foreign to me that I found the experience full-on discombobulating and I certainly had no ideas about acceptance or values or all that la-de-dah back then.

So, what do you think? What’s your formula for joy?

Joy can, indeed, be big and powerful enough to live alongside all of the rest of the complexity – the sadness and grief and anger and hurt and despair. To find your way toward joy, let’s talk about coaching. To join joyful community, The Bigger Badder Crew awaits.

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