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Always More Questions than Answers with Social Media

Last week, I deleted the Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook apps from my phone. I didn’t delete or close the accounts themselves; I just made them less immediately accessible to myself. I wanted to write about it, to explain why I’m exploring an even bigger move away from social media, but when I called my mom for a clarifying conversation, we both walked away over an hour later with more questions than answers, more nuance than clarity. Instead of a concise piece about the decision, I’ll instead offer you the same array of confusion that we explored.

The Ideas

The Fears

The Possibilities

When my mom and I got off the phone, I opened a YouTube video sent by a friend and there in the feed was an ad that said, “Do you trust Facebook? Yes or No.” Talk about a spike in the distrust that I mentioned earlier since I have no doubt that this ad was no more a coincidence than the time my mom and I were talking in person about rice cookers only to have ads for rice cookers appear on her phone browser the next time she turned it on, or my sister’s recent trip to an ophthalmologist and the ads for glasses that appeared by the time she got home.

“If you carry a phone, you are public. That’s all she wrote,” my mom texted in response to my screenshot of the ad I found on YouTube.

On the continuum where going gentle into that goodnight on privacy is one extreme and forsaking all convenience for a life of rugged self-sufficiency in the boonies is the other extreme, I choose the wide grey middle ground. There, I have no choice but to accept the limitations of today’s version of privacy while also refusing to accept the inevitability of zero privacy or my dependence on social platforms or the pull of my ego that says, “More notifications, more likes, more comments are the measure of your value!”

Right now, today, that means deleting those apps from my phone, noticing my discomfort as I retrain myself to use moments of pause for daydreaming, reading books, writing bits of poems or essays or letters, and/or connecting with those around me. Maybe next month, I’ll choose a different point on the spectrum.

Right now, this is what feels best to me, most nurturing, offering the most presence to my life and those who are in it and who I hope will someday be in it.

As is so often the case, I don’t think this one has any right or wrong answers, just the opportunity for curiosity and exploration.

I’d love to hear where you are in this exploration and I’d also like to ask you directly to share this with anyone you know who might be exploring similar ideas, fears, and possibilities.

I would truly love to hear from you and connect with you. You can still find me on LinkedIn at and you can email me at

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